A placeholder or redirect topic

Install TopicStub

Target web:

Select a web where to deploy this component.


This is a type of topics that has no own net data but includes all data from another topic. Thereby content from another web can be integrated into this web without reduplication. Every TopicStub has a rather rigid structure and varies only in its target topic (see TopicStub).

This TopicType is similar to TopicFunctions but does not compute a specific function. Moreover it is useful to reduce redundancy of pure content, whereas TopicFunctions are part of a WikiWorkbench library and thus reduce redundancy in WikiApplications.

See also: TopicStubTemplate

Topics of type 'TopicStub'

Create a new TopicStub


TopicStub form

Name: Type: Size: Values: Description: Attributes:
TopicType label 1 TopicStub Document type  
TopicTitle text 75   title of this topic  
Summary text 75   Short description of the role of this topic  
WikiApplication wikiapp 1   Application this topic belongs to  
Target text 75   Target web-topic  
Section text 75   section inside the target topic  

TopicType edit

TopicType TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic
Inheritance ApplicationTopic
Summary A placeholder or redirect topic
WikiApplication WikiWorkbench
This topic: Applications > TopicType > TopicStub
Topic revision: revision 1
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