A normal topic for Foswiki

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The WikiTopic form can be used for a wide range of TopicTypes that only need to be marked as being of a given TopicType. If you need more structure then you have to define a specific form that extends the attributes of the WikiTopic form. That is, the attributes defined here are a minimal set of attributes that all DataForms should share.

Every TopicType is used in combination with one DataForm, that is associated with it, either this generic WikiTopic form or a more specific one. Multiple TopicTypes can share the same form. In this case such a form must allow to select from a set of TopicTypes to mark it properly. A common case is where one TopicType uses one specific DataForm. Note, that a topic can be of several TopicTypes which indicates that it fullfills several duties at once. So by marking a topic of being of types Ta and type Tb you indicate that the attached form contains all form attributes that are in form Fa and from Fb, given that type Ta comes with form Fa and Tb with Fb.

See also: WebTopicEditTemplate

Topics of type 'WikiTopic'

Create a new WikiTopic



WikiTopic form

Name: Type: Size: Values: Description: Attributes:
TopicType label 1 WikiTopic Document type  
TopicTitle text 75   title c
Summary text 75   short description of the role of this topic c

TopicType edit

TopicType TopicType, DataForm, DocuTopic
TopicTitle WikiTopic
Inheritance none
Summary A normal topic for Foswiki
WikiApplication WikiWorkbench
This topic: Applications > TopicType > WikiTopic
Topic revision: revision 1
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