Backlinks to TopicFunction in all Webs (Search Applications Web only)

Results from Applications web retrieved at 20:50 (GMT)

Description The WikiWorkbench is a standardized way to write and deploy WikiApplications. It is WikiApplication to write WikiApplications. At its core it establishes ...
How to proceed Each application has a master topic located in the application's subweb, which captures all information and documentation for this application. This ...
Documentation This is a "getter" TopicFunction that returns a list of known TopicTypes in a given web. Use it to create a selection in DataForms for the TopicType ...
Documentation Parameters * NAME: application name, defaults to BASEWEB * THEWEB: web to search for docu, defaults to BASEWEB * TYPE: extract documentation ...
Parameters * NAME: name of WikiApplication, defaults to BASEWEB * THEWEB: web where the application is located, defaults to BASEWEB Css * twbManifestHolder ...
Documentation Parameters * ATTR: DataFormAttribute to search for, defaults to BASETOPIC * THEWEB: web to examin, defaults to BASEWEB Implementation %DBQUERY ...
NEW - 11 Apr 2013 - 16:54 by micha
Parameters NONE Implementation %DBQUERY{"text=~'\b\b'" exclude="" web="" header="$n" format=" * $web.$topic " hidenull="on" }%
NEW - 11 Apr 2013 - 16:56 by micha
Documentation Select an image attached to a SOURCE topic Parameters * SELECTED * SOURCE * DEFAULT * FIELDNAME Implementation ...
Documentation This method is called by Applications.ClassificationApp.RenderCategory to display a summary for an object. This method serves as a final fallback when ...
Documentation This uses solr and infintescroll to create a frontpage widget. Parameters * HEIGHT: height of scroll container, defaults to 40em * LIMIT: number ...
NEW - 04 May 2013 - 11:24 by micha
Implementation * TopicTypes * DataForms * DataFormAttributes * TopicTemplates * TopicViews * TopicFunctions
Documentation This function renders a topic creator form that holds a set of initial input elements to create a topic. Parameters * TEXT: headline text; defaults ...
NEW - 29 Apr 2013 - 13:50 by micha
Documentation This is a tool to add a topic based application, or part of it to another web. This is done by creating a TopicStub that points back to the implementation ...
Documentation This function gets the first image attachment from a topic and creates a 48x48 thumbnail using ImagePlugin. The attachment taken must end with jpeg, ...
NEW - 26 Apr 2013 - 09:55 by micha
Documentation Parameters * TYPE: the TopicType to be searched for, defaults to BASETOPIC * FIELDS: columns of formfields to display, defaults to Topic, Summary ...
NEW - 24 Apr 2013 - 15:28 by micha
Documentation This is used to create a new WikiApplication Implementation " mode="div"}% Name: Description: ...
Documentation Renders the WebHome of a WikiApplication subweb Parameters None Implementation Data Model * TopicType * DataForm * DataFormAttribute ...
Documentation This function renders an editor for a normal WikiTopic to be displayed at the topic of the text tab. Parameters * BASETOPIC * FORM: name of the ...
Documentation This function renders a view for a wiki topic, showing its title and the summary line. Parameters * TITLE_EXTRA: optional addition put behind the ...
Description ... Documentation Installation ... Manifest
NEW - 30 Apr 2013 - 07:38 by micha
Number of topics: 20
Number of topics: 0
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