Documentation Every WikiApplication comes with an ApplicationLicense. A topic of this type must have a notice section that will be displayed on components that make ...
Documentation An ApplicationTopic is a topic that belongs to a WikiApplication. TopicTypes, TopicFunctions, TopicViews etc are all ApplicationTopics as they belong ...
Description The WikiWorkbench is a standardized way to write and deploy WikiApplications. It is WikiApplication to write WikiApplications. At its core it establishes ...
Documentation DataForms add structured information to wiki topics. See also: DataFormTemplate, WebPreferences, DataFormAttributes, .DataForms Topics of type 'DataForm ...
Documentation A DataFormAttribute, also called form field or form attribute, is a part of a DataForm. It may be used as an entity that defining all values a form ...
Documentation This is a pure "marker" type that is attached to topics that contain documentation. DocuTopics have a "documentation" section marked using STARTSECTION ...
How to proceed Each application has a master topic located in the application's subweb, which captures all information and documentation for this application. This ...
Documentation This is a "getter" TopicFunction that returns a list of known TopicTypes in a given web. Use it to create a selection in DataForms for the TopicType ...
Documentation Parameters * NAME: application name, defaults to BASEWEB * THEWEB: web to search for docu, defaults to BASEWEB * TYPE: extract documentation ...
Parameters * NAME: name of WikiApplication, defaults to BASEWEB * THEWEB: web where the application is located, defaults to BASEWEB Css * twbManifestHolder ...
Documentation Parameters * ATTR: DataFormAttribute to search for, defaults to BASETOPIC * THEWEB: web to examin, defaults to BASEWEB Implementation %DBQUERY ...
Documentation This method is called by Applications.ClassificationApp.RenderCategory to display a summary for an object. This method serves as a final fallback when ...
Documentation This uses solr and infintescroll to create a frontpage widget. Parameters * HEIGHT: height of scroll container, defaults to 40em * LIMIT: number ...
Documentation This function renders a topic creator form that holds a set of initial input elements to create a topic. Parameters * TEXT: headline text; defaults ...
Documentation This is a tool to add a topic based application, or part of it to another web. This is done by creating a TopicStub that points back to the implementation ...
Documentation This function gets the first image attachment from a topic and creates a 48x48 thumbnail using ImagePlugin. The attachment taken must end with jpeg, ...
Documentation Parameters * TYPE: the TopicType to be searched for, defaults to BASETOPIC * FIELDS: columns of formfields to display, defaults to Topic, Summary ...
Documentation This function renders an editor for a normal WikiTopic to be displayed at the topic of the text tab. Parameters * BASETOPIC * FORM: name of the ...
Documentation This function renders a view for a wiki topic, showing its title and the summary line. Parameters * TITLE_EXTRA: optional addition put behind the ...
Documentation See also: TopicFunctionTemplate Topics of type 'TopicFunction' %DBCALL{"Applications.RenderSimpleTopicCreator" VALUE="Render..." TYPE="TopicFunction ...
Documentation This is a type of topics that has no own net data but includes all data from another topic. Thereby content from another web can be integrated into this ...
Documentation A TopicTemplate is used to create new topics and serves as a kind of blueprint of its content. For example, the simple topic creator takes a TopicTemplate ...
Documentation The TopicType is the root of the type system of the WikiWorbench. Every WikiTopic has got one or more TopicTypes. TopicTypes often correlate with DataForms ...
Documentation TODO Topics of type 'TopicTypeTemplate' %DBCALL{"Applications.RenderSimpleTopicCreator" LABEL="" BUTTONTEXT="" TEXT="" VALUE="..." FORM="Applications ...
Documentation A TopicView defines a view for a topic. By default WikiTopics are displayed using the installed skin and the templates (don't confuse with TopicTemplate ...
Welcome to the Applications web. This web contains a set of WikiApplications that can be used in different parts of your wiki site. It is used as a library and repository ...
WebNotify This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this ** web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have ...
Documentation Note, that there is no creator to build a topic of this kind as it is a pure "marker type", that is topics are created with another creator tool and ...
Documentation The WikiTopic form can be used for a wide range of TopicTypes that only need to be marked as being of a given TopicType. If you need more structure ...